
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Date: Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 10:31 AM Subject: Your Comment Submitted on (ID: NASA-2021-0002-0001) To: Please do not reply to this message. This email is from a notification only address that cannot accept incoming email. Your comment was submitted successfully! Comment Tracking Number: kqh-s6r9-vcps Your comment has been sent for review. This process is dependent on agency public submission policies/procedures and processing times. Once the agency has posted your comment, you may view it on using your Comment Tracking Number. Agency: NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA) Document Type: Notice Title: Request for Information on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities in NASA Programs, Contracts and Grants Process Document ID: NASA-2021-0002-0001 Comment: Hello ! Because Young Tunisian are the majority of I.S.I.S. AND ISLAMOPHOBIA SPREAD TUNISIA..GOD FORBIDDEN ME TO MARY TUNISIAN WOMAN .. event in 2 weeks ago security forces in Tunisia let a terrorist came from Turky they let him pass..and entering to his house without punishment..they let him pass from AIROPORT OF TUNIS CARTHAGE...I DISLIKE BUILDING MY LIFE IN THIS ISLAMOPHOBIA BAD BREEDING GROUND EVEN THE FORMER PRESIDENT BOURGUIBA DREAM AN ISLAMIC STATE..HE SIGNED WITH GUEDDAFI OF LIBYA AN ISLAMIC STATE BUT THEY FAILED..IN ANNE 1970..THE PRESIDENT BEJI CAIED SEBSI WROTE A BOOK ABOUT BOURGUIBA AND THE ISLAMIC STATE SEBSI PROUD OF THAT EVENT..IN ORDER TO WIN ELECTION IN A WORD ISLAMOPHOBIA IS DEEPLY ROOTED IN TUNISIA EVEN BOURGUIBISM..OR THEY PRETENDING A ETRE UN PHENOMENE LAIC.. IN 2015 THE TERRORIST SHOOTER KILLED MANY BRITANIC IN SOUSSE..WHERE WAS THE SECURITY FORCES IN TUNISIA THAT YOUNG TERRORIST SHOT THEM BY COLD BLOOD LIKE RAMBO..39 VICTIMS.. Uploaded File(s): EM_Ack_OTP-CR-490_19 (1).pdf CEO Statement of Support 5 (1).pdf UAC Applicant_CASIS Response_Khaled Menchaoui.pdf For further information about the commenting process, please visit


Why Tunisia has become the largest source of ISIS's foreign fighters


Why Tunisia has become the largest source of ISIS's foreign fighters


MAJORITY OF WOMEN IN TUNISIA ARE ILLETRATE THEY ARE OVEREXPLOITED BY A MINORITY OF WEALTHY MEN AND WOMEN ..THEIR WAGES ARE LESS THAN MEN..THEY CUT THEIR WAGES...THE NOMINATION OF KAIES SAIED THE PRESIDENT OF TUNISIAN..HE NOMINATED A WOMAN AS PRIME MINISTER FIRST TIME SINCE INDEPENDANCE SHE LOOKS SERIOUS BUT ITS A POLITICAL ACT TO HEAD INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY AND INTERNAL ONE..IN A WORD FAKE DIPLOMACY IS DEEPLY ROOTED AND AN OTHER DATA THAT THERE IS A GENERATION GAP IN TUNISIA AND COLD WAR IN GENERAL ESPECIALLY BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN.. REPORT : Since many years rural agricultural labor women were massed together in carsin order to reach farms..many assassinated accidents deruled in roads in appauling conditions each month we witnessed reports about dozens of killed woemen who are rural heading to farms by their mass in cars they are always massed together and low wages they exhausting farm labours.. as an old Auditor in accountancy i witnessed in many confection industries girls exploited by very low wages or salaries and worked daily 12 hours even in weekends..their children are undercare by low society category of unfit future encourage to improve disconnection of their low category in future..of course future fate of those children of those girls who working in confection industries..many of those firms are even off shore or else they are partners with a 4 dozens of tunisian family who exploit Tunisian economy..those girls working in apauling conditions they took buses or metro daily in morning the latters are massed a word more stress..and besides violence at homes by their husbands or parents or brothers..obsecure of future of those women in Tunisia and their children especially their daughters...they used those wealthy minority women who took responsibilities in decion making fredom of women in Tunisia rather majority of women are exploited in under wages and others in industries where majority of girls massed together daily in transport and they only took sandwhichs in meals by apauling condition of tasks forces..besides stress and outrages by bosses or managers by swear words without consideration of feelings they hurt illtreat and the condition of live prices are higher than their revenues which are lower than men in any category of industries even as employees..TUNISIA IS SAD BY HYPOCRIT DEMOCRACY..PAINTED TO GLOBE AS A PARADISE ..AS FOR ME A LIBERAL WORK I DO AND IN GOOD CONDITION OF LIFE I LIVING BUT MY HEART SUFFER FROM THEM..I CAN DO NOTHING.. KHALED MENCHAOUI.
